Genesis Clinical Research

Our company, Genesis Clinical Research Corporation, works exclusively with Success Marketing because we feel the company is at the cutting edge of the advertising industry and always strives to craft just the right message for each campaign.  The experience and knowledge in advertising allows us to hand our projects over to them knowing that we can count on our message reaching the right people.  This allows us to focus on handling the calls that their strategic placement provides.  They always work hard in both the TV and radio avenues to put together media strategies that best utilized our advertising dollars for maximum results.  Our company thanks Success Marketing for helping us meet and exceed our goals on several research studies.

I  have recommended Success Marketing to friends and associates, and do not hesitate to tell them that if they want their advertising to suceed and want one company to do it all...
Success Marketing is the right company to call.

Thanks again,

Dr. Bonnie Truett-Serrett, RN, PhD, CCRN, CCRC
President & CEO
Genesis Clinical Research Corporation